My thyroid journey began in university when I was diagnosed with primary hypothyroidism. It was always 'on the radar' in my house growing up as my mother and grandmother both struggled with the condition. Starting with almost no symptoms (although I wasn't aware of my body's cues at that time) the fatigue, brain fog, and anxiety gradually snuck its way into my life.

I pursued a science degree in nutritional biochemistry at Memorial University, followed by a naturopathic medical degree at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto. The thyroid was a topic in many classes--botanical medicine, physiology, pharmacology, women's health--but the foundations were never provided in a succinct way. This was proved to me years later when I was struggling. 

Fast forward to after graduation, writing multiple board and licensing examinations, and getting a career off the ground. I was definitely suffering from burnout and my thyroid medication steadily increased. This was the moment I started diving into thyroid health and what I could be doing differently.

 A list of my symptoms:

  • Tired every day, all day. Coffee was no help!
  • Sleeping alot or not enough--either way my energy was always low.
  • Anxiety and depression.
  • Constipation and bloating.
  • Weight gain.
  • Poor post-exercise recovery.
  • Hoarse voice and feeling a 'pit' in my throat.
  • High serum cholesterol and uric acid.

Do any of these resonate with  you?

My medical doctor was very supportive and timely with my care, but I was sent home with the 'walk more and watch your diet' advice. It was so frustrating! Why, as an educated health professional, couldn't I advocate for myself? This lit the fire under me to learn more and use my knowledge for good. After a nap of course.

I'm always on a healing journey. I can say that proper medication dosing, 9+ hours of sleep a night, regular eating patterns, and naturopathic supplement interventions have made a big impact on my symptoms. 

Know that using the foundations outlined in the program and setting goals will help you inch forward in your recovery. Learn to leverage your schedule to SUPPORT your thyroid rather than work against it. Sometimes all we need is infrastructure. 

 I hope you have 4-5 'takeaways' (at least!) and use the workbook to your advantage. Enjoy!